And the same arrogance that many rock starts seem to have about their late eighties hair and makeup. Recently VH1 did a 5 part special about the 100 Greatest Rock Songs. Thanks to DVR, HH recorded all 5 hours for later viewing. I thought HH might watch these alone. I was wrong. We had to spent two evenings, watching brief clips and deciding whether or not we agreed. This was an important decision for HH, not that anyone will ever know of care if he agrees or not.
I will admit that HH is knowledgeable about rock music. This is useful for trivia nights. This is useful for, well, not much else.
HH has many assertions about music. All women hate Rush. "The Stroke" is Billy Squier's worst song but the only one that people know. John Denver is awesome. (Yes, you read that right.) HH is also particular in a way that is increasingly irritating, especially when it comes to purchasing music for him. A while back, HH decided that he wanted a W.A.S.P. CD. I had no idea who they were, but he doesn't know who many of my favorite bands are so that is fair. After what seemed like 6 months of him trying to decide which album he wanted, my time was running out to get it from Amazon on time and I chose "The Best of the Best 1984-2000." This was, of course, wrong. AND, he let me know it as soon he opened it. How could I not know what their best songs were? How could I not know that these were "cheeseball" songs?
Again, I want to stress that I do not believe that all gay men have the same characteristics, likes and dislikes. My imaginary gay husband is who I write about. The man that would not only have an iPod full of pop and show tunes, but that would also know the appropriate way to do the hand jive. The man who would rather watch a Real Housewives marathon than devote time to assessing the merits of a rock songs list. The man who would, above all, know the difference between Hair and Hairspray.